Adoption/Scaling Stream

Who does the Adoption/Scaling stream support? 

The Adoption/Scaling stream works with sustainable companies that have products on the market and that have product development and commercialization goals for an innovative new health-tech product with pediatric, geriatric and/or long-term care applications.

How is the stream structured? 

The Adoption/Scaling stream is focused on determining the fit of your product development and commercialization goals with our services and the needs and capabilities of CHEO and Bruyère, defining a project to achieve these goals, and then executing this project with excellence. We tailor these projects to your company’s specific needs and critical path, with our support typically centering on a project housed within CHEO or Bruyère that is delivering some combination of product development, customization, validation, and/or procurement.  

We structure our engagement with the companies we support in two phases: 

Phase 1 – Scoping and Project Definition 

Upon acceptance into the Adoption/Scaling stream we work with you to map out your goals and develop a general outline of a proposed engagement, while consulting key stakeholders to confirm that there is: 

  • a strong fit between your product and the internal needs and capabilities of CHEO and/or Bruyère 
  • one or more internal champions interested in participating. 

With these fundamentals confirmed, we will work closely with you to develop a project plan with a clearly defined workplan, timeline, budget, and set of objectives and deliverables.  

Services delivered in Phase 1:  

  • Preliminary assessment of product market fit (Does your product provide sufficient unique value and is it feasible to incorporate within the relevant workflow at either CHEO or Bruyère?) 
  • Preliminary assessment of business model feasibility (Is there a plausible pathway to this product being bought/procured by its target market or institutions?) 
  • Structured feedback from relevant internal stakeholders as to the potential value of the product to their work lives and their interest in engaging further 
  • Development of a detailed proposal consisting of one or more discreet projects 

Cost for Phase 1: There may be a modest fee for Phase 1 depending on the scope of the proposed project and the effort required to engage the required stakeholders internally. This fee would be agreed upon before this effort is launched. 

Typical Phase 1 timeline: 1 – 3 months 

Phase 2 – Project Execution and Commercialization Support 

Phase 2 of the Adoption/Scaling stream is focused on executing the detailed project plan defined in Phase 1, with a focus on realizing the objectives being pursued. The deliverables from this Phase 2 engagement will vary with each project. Services provided by the Adoption/Scaling stream during project execution can include: 

  • Project development, including internal stakeholder engagement 
  • Support in securing project funding through assistance in identifying and securing non-dilutive funding sources as available 
  • Project management 
  • Expert institutional navigation 
  • Research support including design and execution of clinical and usability validation studies – see [link to Research Stream Services page] 
  • Analysis of market fit 
  • Support in achieving necessary regulatory milestones 
  • Assistance with procurement internally at CHEO and Bruyère and nationally through the CAN Health Network and other mechanisms 
  • Assistance with value differentiation and sales strategy development tailored specifically to the challenges of the procurement processes within Canadian healthcare institutions 
  • Potential sales lead generation and introductions 

Cost for Phase 2:  

Hard costs (project expenses external to the 8-80 Collaborative team) are highly variable with each project. These costs are funded through a combination of company funds and external project-specific funding that is secured. The project budget and funding strategy will be mutually agreed upon in the Phase 1 scoping process. 

The Adoption/Scaling stream will deliver value to your company in the form of time, expertise, and access to the specific pediatric and/or geriatric clinicians and clinical settings needed for your commercialization pathway. As part of the Phase 1 scoping process a mutually agreeable non-monetary form of compensation will be negotiated for this value. 

Typical Phase 2 timeline: 6 months to 1 year